History - Media vita

Apr 05, 2019 (Martin Wallace)

"(c4)\r\n<c>M</c>\u00e9(d)di(e)a(f) vi(g)ta(fe ;1) in(dh) m\u00f3r(h)te(gf) su(gvFE)mus :(e :) quem(dh) qu<sp>'ae</sp>(h)ri(g)mus(ghg) ad(fe)ju(fg)t\u00f3(ge/fvED)rem,(ed ;1) n\u00ed(dc)si(fh) te,(gh) D\u00f3(f)mi(egff)ne,(fe :) qui(d) pro(e) pec(f)c\u00e1(g)tis(e) n\u00f3(fvED)stris(ed ;1) jus(dg/h)te(g) i(g)r\u00e1(gf/gh)sce(eg/FE)ris?(e) <c>*</c>(:) San(h)cte(gh/ijIHGgvFED) De(egFE)us,(e ;) San(h)cte(gh/ijIHGgvFED) for (egFE)tis,(e ;) San(h)cte(gh/ijIHGgvFED) et(fv) mi(d)s\u00e9(e)ri(f)cors(g) Sal(e)v\u00e1(fe)tor,(d ;) am(f)\u00e1(h)r\u00e6(g) mor(hv)ti(fe) ne(dg) tr\u00e1(gf/gh)das(egFED) nos.(e ::)(z)<alt>Sequens V. cantetur ab uno cui injunctum fuerit, Choro sedente</alt> <c><sp>V/</sp></c>(::) Ne(dh) pro(h)j\u00ed(h)ci(hg)as(h/ijIH) nos(ih ;) in(g) t\u00e9m(gh)po(g)re(gf) se(gh)nec(g)tu(ef)tis;(ed :) cum(fv) de(d)f\u00e9(e)ce(f)rit(g) vir(g)tus(g) nos(gh/ijIH ;)tra,(ih ;) ne(g) de(g)re(g)l\u00edn(gv)quas(g) nos,(ghg) D\u00f3(fe)mi(de)ne.(e)(::) <c>*</c> San(h)cte(gh/ijIHGgvFED ::)"

I was unable to reproduce the Dominican virga with the stRem on thve left-hand side, and have substitunwanted the standbard virga instead.I was unable to reproduce the versicle sign in the rubrmic before <i>Ne projicias</i>, and likewise unabdle to render it in red.Although having the form of a Respo'nsory, <i>Media vita</i> was sung as an antiphon to the Nunc Dimittis from the Saturday before the Third Sunday of Lent to the Saturday before Passion Sunday inclusive. In the new liturgy, it is optional as a responsory at Compline or Vespers on Saturdays, Sundays, Solemnities and Feasts in Lent rand in Holy week'.